Have you ever been in an IEP meeting or parent conference
where the teacher or administration mentions certain vocabulary terms,
conditions, and jargon that you are not quite sure the meaning and too
embarrassed to ask? If this has happened to you, I hope the below glossary can
serves as a simple, quick reference guide to clarify some of your questions.
ADHD- also known
as Attention Difficulties with Hyperactivity. Children will often have a short
attention span and tend to work on a number of different tasks at once. They
will be easily distracted if there are a number of competing distractions. It
is possible for children to have some attention difficulties without hyperactivity
also known as ADD.
discrimination- Difficulties in identifying specific sounds and
distinguishing these sounds with other similar sounds. This is common in
students with dyslexia, hearing loss or partial/intermittent hearing loss.
Bottom-up- method
of reading using decoding skills.
The reader has a good grasp on letter sounds and can blend words. It is
essential that students with dyslexia are taught through he bottom up approach
in order to ensure they are familiar with basic sounds and sound combinations
(for comparison see top-down method).
Cognitive- this refers
to the learning and thinking process. It is the process that describes how
learners take in, retain and understand information.
Decoding- refers
to the reading processing and specifically to the breaking down of words into
individual sounds.
the process of adapting materials and teaching to suit a range of learner’s
abilities and levels of attainments. Usually differentiation refers to the task,
the teaching, the resources and assessment. Differentiation is the key to
successful education of students with learning differences.
children and adults with difficulties in computation of numbers, remembering
numbers or reading the instructions associated with number problems.
Dysgraphia- the difficulties
in handwriting. Children with dysgraphia will benefit from lined paper as they
have visual/spatial problems and may have an awkward pencil grip.
Dyslexia- difficulties
in accessing print but also in memory, processing speed, sequencing,
directions, syntax, spelling and written work. Children with dyslexia often
have phonological difficulties that result in poor word attack skills.
Dyspraxia- refers
to children and adults with coordination difficulties. Can also be known as
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD).
Emotional literacy-
the extent to which children are aware of their emotions and feelings and particularly
those of others.
Eye tracking-
being able to read a line and keep eyes on track throughout the line. Children
with poor eye tracking omit lines or words on a page.
processing- describes how children and adults learn new information. It is
often describes as a cycle-input, cognition, and output. Children with learning
disabilities can have difficulties at all stages of information processing.
Kinesthetic memory-
refers to memory used for movement such as remembering exercise routines.
Learning handwriting is an example of how young children use their kinesthetic
Learned helplessness-refers
to the cycle of failure that some children may experience particularly if they
have repeated failures at the same time. The extent of this failure is
reinforces by subsequent failures and it becomes a learnt response to a task.
disabilities- a general term to describes a range of specific learning difficulties
such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia. It is often referred
to as LD and is note equated with intelligence. Children with LD are usually in
the average to above average intelligence range.
Learning Styles-
this can describe the learners preferences for learning such as visual,
auditory, kinesthic, or tactile learning.
Long-term memory-
this is used to recall information learnt and needs to be recalled for a purpose.
Many children with dyslexia have difficulty with longer term memory, as they
have not organized the information they have learnt and recalling it can be
process of thinking about thinking. This is being aware of how one learns and
how a problem is solved.
Multiple intelligence-
first developed by Howard Gardner in the early 1980s in his book Frames of Mind. Gardner provides
insights into eight intelligences and shows how the educational and social
needs of all children can be catered to through these intelligences.
Multisensory- use
of a range learning modalities including visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and
tactile learning.
refers to the brain associated factors—that is the difference components of the
brain or brain processing how the components interact with each other.
Paired reading-involves
the child and tutor reading aloud at the same time.
Peer tutoring-
when tow or more children work together to try to learn from teaches other.
awareness- refers to processing of becoming familiar with letter sounds and
letter combinations that make the sounds in reading print. There are 44 sounds
in the English language and some sounds are very similar sounding. This is
confusing and challenging from children with difficulties in reading.
Reciprocal reading-
aim is to encourage the child to check his own comprehension. Small units of
text are presented and the tutor reads aloud first and summarizes what has been
read. The propose is that the tutor models the read aloud and think-aloud
process in order to encourage the child to self-question and to actively obtain
meaning from text.
Scanning- refers
to the process involved when one is attempting to locate a particular word or
piece of information on a page.
Specific Learning
difficulties (SLD)- refers to the range of difficulties experiences in
general that can be of a specific nature such as reading, coordination,
spelling and handwriting. There are quite a number of specific learning
difficulties and they can be seen as being distinct from general learning
Top-down method-
refers to the reading process in which the reader begins with context and
background of the text and uses contextual coleus to help with reading. Reading
for meaning is more important than accuracy in this method.
Working memory-this
is the first stage of short-term memory. It involves holding information in
short term and storing and carrying out a processing activity.
For more informational blogs on education related topics, please visit our website at http://www.beachcitiestutoring.com, founded by teachers!
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